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Do., 15. Dez.



CBD & Cacao Ritual Blend

Anmeldung abgeschlossen
Veranstaltungen ansehen

Zeit & Ort

15. Dez. 2022, 19:30 – 21:15 MEZ

Freudwil, Schwendistrasse 11, 8615 Freudwil, Schweiz

Über die Veranstaltung

Immerse yourself in the world of ceremonial cacao and relaxation, reinforced by plant medicine. Allow yourself to sink into the magic of consciously produced cacao, while letting your soul unwind into the worlds of sounds, yin yoga and meditation. A chance to leave the day behind and reconnect to your heart.

THE COCOON was created by us as a heart project to gather in community, enjoying what plant medicines like cacao and CBD have to offer together as a powerful combo. We will open the ceremony with them in a short meditation. Afterwards we surrender the body in a yin yoga sequence accompanied by crystal singing bowls and soothe the spirit in a yoga nidra practice with sound healing and tuning forks. This is an opportunity to gift yourself some well-deserved me-time to release, transform and listen to what arises.


  • Cacao & CBD Ceremony
  • Yin Yoga with Crystal Singing Bowls
  • Yoga Nidra, Sound Healing & Tuning Forks


Try to fast 3 - 4 hours before the ceremony or eat only a light meal. Avoid alcohol and caffeine so that you can feel completely well.

If you have high blood pressure, heart disease, or are taking antidepressants, ceremonial doses of cacao and cbd are not recommended. Feel free to let us know in advance.


Comfortable clothing

Water bottle


This event is not for you if you're pregnant, breastfeeding or suffering under heartdisease.


  • Community Ticket

    Dieses Ticket ist für die Teilnehmer des "ENDLESS SUMMER" Retreats

    Verkauf beendet
  • Regular Ticket

    111,00 CHF
    Verkauf beendet


0,00 CHF

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